Chapter 16                                           M E N T A L  G E N D E R


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each
of the key terms from the chapter.

psychology __________________________________________________________________


subconscious ________________________________________________________________




voluntary ___________________________________________________________________


involuntary _________________________________________________________________


hemispheres _________________________________________________________________


cognizance __________________________________________________________________


subjective __________________________________________________________________


curiosities _________________________________________________________________


encumbrances ________________________________________________________________


analysis ____________________________________________________________________


esoteric ____________________________________________________________________


latent ______________________________________________________________________


progeny _____________________________________________________________________


telekinesis _________________________________________________________________


telepathy ___________________________________________________________________


psychokinesis _______________________________________________________________


hypnotism ___________________________________________________________________


cuckoo ______________________________________________________________________


dominate ____________________________________________________________________


magnetic ____________________________________________________________________


orator ______________________________________________________________________


suggestion __________________________________________________________________


analogy _____________________________________________________________________


occult ______________________________________________________________________


immutable ___________________________________________________________________


veil ________________________________________________________________________


elixirs _____________________________________________________________________


Nectar Publications _________________________________________________________


spirits _____________________________________________________________________


ethanol _____________________________________________________________________


attune ______________________________________________________________________


baptized ____________________________________________________________________


reconciler __________________________________________________________________



This summary, when completed with answers, gives you a comprehension of the
primary points of the chapter in the text.  Fill in the blanks with words or
phrases that complete the ideas.

The students of ____________ are well disciplined in the understanding of the 
______________ and conscious ____________; the ______________ and involuntary
_______________; the active and passive _________________, etc.  Even greater
understanding has been unveiled with the knowledge of the ________________ of
the left and right brain _______________.

The ancient __________________ took _________________ of the phenomena of the
"_____________ _____________" and accounted for it with the ______________ of
Mental Gender.  The ______________ of Mental Gender may be explained in a few
words.  The ____________ principle of mind __________ to the left __________;
the objective, conscious ______________. The ______________ principle of mind
corresponds to the _____________ brain; the _____________, subconscious mind.
Of course the ___________ Teachings request the student to examine the report
of their _____________ by turning their attention inward upon the self.  Each
student is led to see that their _____________ gives them first the report of
the existence of the _______________ -- the ________________ is "I Am."  This
at first seems to be the final words from the consciousness, but a little
further _____________ discloses the fact that this "I Am" may be separated or
________________ into_______________ distinct parts or _______________ which, 
while working in _________________ and in __________________ with each other,
nevertheless, may be separated in consciousness.

While at _____________ there seems to be only an "_________" existing, a more
careful and closer ____________ reveals the fact that there exists an "I" and
a "___________".  These mental _____________ differ in their ___________, and
an ___________ of their natures and the ______________ arising from them will
throw much light upon many of the problems of mental _______________.

All of these go to make up their ________________ or the "self" known to them
and others.  They know that these emotions and __________________ change, are
_________________ and _______________ away, and are subject to the Principles
of __________________ and _______________ which take them from one extreme of
______________ to another.  They also think of the "Me" as containing certain
_________________ gathered by their ______________ and thus forming a part of
______________.  This is the supposed "Me" of a human being.

The "Me" for most __________ may be said to consist largely of its __________
with the ____________ and physical appetites.  Their ____________ is so bound
to their bodily nature that is where they "_____________".  Some go so far as
to regard their personal _________________, cars and homes as a part of their
"Me". These "____________ conscious" people readily lose their personality if
divested of their __________.  Even those who are not so closely ____________
to the ideas of personal raiment stick closely to the consciousness of their 
_____________ being their "Me".  They cannot ______________ of a ____________
independent of the _______________.  To them, their _____________ seems to be
"a something belonging to" their __________________ -- which in many cases it
certainly is.

They are very likely to consider these ______________ states as _____________
with themselves, rather than "states" produced by some part of their
_______________, and existing within themselves -- of _______________, and in
___________, but still not "themselves".  They see that they may change these
internal states of feelings by an effort of ____________, and in the same way
produce a _____________ or ____________ of exactly the opposite ____________.
Yet they notice the same "Me" exists.  After a while they are able to set
aside these various mental states, ______________, feelings, _______________,
qualities, characteristics and other personal _____________ belongings.  They
are able to set them __________ in the "not me" collection of curiosities and
_____________, as well as valuable possessions.  Just as one would shed their
_______________, these obstacles can be set aside.  This requires much mental
concentration and ______________ of _____________ analysis on the part of the
student.  This undressing of various ____________ states requires ___________
instruction found in the teachings of Summum.  Still, the task is possible
for the advanced ____________, and even those not so far advanced are able to
see, in the imagination, how the _____________ may be performed.

The student soon discovers that this is not all that they find within their
________________ consciousness.  They find that there exists a ______________
something which is able to __________________ that the "Me" act along certain
____________ lines; able to stand aside and witness the mental _____________.
This part of themselves they are taught to call their "I".  They are able to
____________ in its _____________ at _____________.  They find there is not a
consciousness of an ability to ____________ and actively create, in the sense
of the gradual process __________________ upon mental operation, but rather a
______________ and ______________ of an ability to project an energy from the
"I" to the "Me" -- a process of "_____________" that the ___________ creation
begin and proceed.

These aspects of _____________ -- the ____________ and feminine principles --
the "I" and the "Me" -- considered in connection with well known ____________
and _____________________ phenomena, turn the master key to those dimly known
_____________ of _____________ operation and manifestation.  The principle of
Mental _______________ establishes the ground work for the whole field of the
phenomena of ______________ ______________.

The tendency of the _________________ principle is always in the direction of
receiving _____________, while the tendency of the _____________ principle is
always in the direction of giving out, or expressing. The ___________________
principle has a much more varied field of operation than has the masculine. 
The feminine principle conducts the work of ___________________ new thoughts,
______________ and ideas, including the ____________ of the imagination.  The
_____________ principle contents itself with the work of the _____________ in
its varied phases.  Yet without the active aid of the ______________________,
the _________________ principle is apt to rest content with _________________
______________________ images received from the outside, instead of producing
______________ mental creations.

Human beings who can give continued ____________ and thought to a subject use
both of the ________________ principles -- the feminine in the work of active
____________ generation, and the masculine will in stimulating and energizing
the _____________ portion of the mind.  

The student of psychic phenomena is aware of the variations classified under
the titles of _____________, telepathy psychokinesis, thought ______________,
_____________ influence, suggestion, hypnotism, etc.  Many have sought for an
explanation for these varied ______________ using the theories of the various
"______________ ______________" teachers.

In the phenomenon of ______________ it is seen how the vibratory ____________
of the _____________ principle is projected toward the ____________ principle
of another person.  The latter then takes the _______________ _______________
and allows it to develop into maturity.  ______________________ and hypnotism
operate in the same way.

They are ___________ in the ___________ principle of mind, and the __________
principle, in which is _____________ the ______________, is allowed to remain
_____________ and not employed.

The strong __________________ of this world invariably manifest the masculine
principle of _______________, and their strength depends materially upon this
fact.  Instead of living upon the impressions made upon their ____________ by
others, they dominate their own minds by their _______________, obtaining the
kind of mental images desired, and moreover _______________ the _____________
of others in the same manner.  Look at the _________________ people; how they
manage to ________________ their _______________ thoughts in the minds of the
_____________, thus causing them to _____________ thoughts in accordance with
their highly _____________ will.

The students who have ________________ themselves with psychic phenomena will
have _______________ the importance of that force which psychology has called
"_____________" -- by which term is meant the process or ____________ whereby
an idea is transferred to, or "________________ ________________" the mind of
another, causing the second mind to _____________ in accordance therewith.  A
correct understanding of _____________ is necessary in order to intelligently 
______________ the varied psychic phenomena which it underlies.

Further, there is in this present _____________, as there has been in ancient
times, an opening of the _____________ from "above to below" of the masculine
force _____________ itself into creation.  Within the feminine ______________
of the ancient pyramids the masculine vibratory ____________ were ___________
by those half-god half-human individuals in order to _________________ living
knowledge.  This living knowledge was ________________________ in a vibratory
state within ________________________ known as ___________________, soma, and
"________________ ___ ______ __________." Today, this soma is known as Nectar
____________________. The psychokinetic _____________________ of altering the
_______________ state of a liquid to hold this masculine ______________ is an
art of the highest mastery. It is the true meaning of ______________________,
for ordinary ingredients are _______________ to hold the spirit of God.

Throughout the ages, the word "______________" referred to liquids containing
______________.  Since ancient times only the highest Masters were capable of
_____________ these liquids into storage vessels of ______________ knowledge.
These Masters operate in harmony with higher _____________ of nature, so that
they may rule on the lower levels of manifestation.  The minds of those who
consume the Nectar Publications are _____________ in the living knowledge.

By using the theory of ____________ ____________, the student will be able to
bring order to the __________ of conflicting theory and teachings and readily
make oneself a master of the subject if so inclined. The _____________ of the
teachings of Summum may clear away many perplexing difficulties -- a ________
that will unlock many doors. It is not necessary to go into detail regarding
all of the many features of ____________ phenomena and mental ______________. 
This material can be easily obtained by the student. With the aid of the
Summum teachings, one may go through any ____________ anew. This is not a new
philosophy, but rather the outlines of a great world _____________ which will
make clear the teachings of others -- serving as a Great _________________ of
differing theories and opposing doctrines.


Write the number of the appropriate answer in the blank corresponding to the
description.  There is one correct answer for each blank.

______ The students of psychology are well          1. influence
       disciplined in the understanding of          2. expressing
       the subconscious and conscious               3. ages
                                                    4. mind
______ The Summum doctrine of the Principle         5. "live"
       of Gender on the mental level has            6. mental
       existed throughout the                       7. SELF
                                                    8. "Me"
______ While at first there seems to be only        9. transmuted
       an "I" existing, an more careful and
       closer examination reveals the fact
       that there exists and "I" and a            
______ The "Me" of most Humankind may be said
       to consist largely of its identification
       with the body and physical appetites.  
       Their consciousness is so bound to their
       bodily nature, this is where they

______ It is the true meaning of TRANSUBSTANTIATION, 
       for ordinary ingredients are      
______ As the Humankind rises in the scale of
       consciousness they are able to disentangle
       their "Me" from their bodies, and are able
       to think of their bodies as "belonging to"
       the part of themselves which is
______ Following this laying aside (undressing)
       process, students will find themselves in
       conscious possession of a
______ The principle of Mental Gender establishes
       the groundwork for the whole field of the
       phenomena of mental
______ The tendency of the feminine principle is
       always in the direction of receiving 
       impressions, while the tendency of the 
       masculine principle is always in the 
       direction of giving out, or


Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principle

1. Examining the nature of mental gender, design several experiments which
   demonstrate the function of the principle.

   a. Design and implement an experiment wherein you use both sides of your 
      brain to initiate and then create something.





   b. Design and implement an experiment wherein you have an internal 
      discussion with your "I" and "Me"





   c. Design and implement an experiment wherein you physically undress
      someone (remove their clothing), and then explain in what manner their 
      personality changes.





2. Using the principle that the feminine gender is responsible for creative
   function, explain the following.

   a. Give an example of how nature shows that a projecting energy is 
      necessary before any creation can take place.





   b. Give an example of how ideas can be placed into the minds of others 
      through the energizing and creative process of mental gender.





   c. Give an explanation of how mental gender is involved in the 
      identification of the body with the self, and in the creative process.





Formulate answers to these questions.  Refer to both your text and your
lecture notes.  You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make
notes on all the details you would include in a full answer.  Review your
answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the

 1. Why are students of psychology better suited to understand the
    functioning of the mind? 

 2. Explain the functions of the right brain and left brain.

 3. What is the doctrine of Summum about mental gender?

 4. What is the theory of dual mind?

 5. Describe how the subjective and objective consciousness are involved
    in mental gender.

 6. Explain the report of "I Am".

 7. Describe the characteristics of the "I" and "Me", and explain their

 8. Be prepared to explain how the Principles of Rhythm and Opposition are 
    related to mental gender.

 9. Which part of the mental gender is related to the physical body    

10. Explain what clothing has to do with mental gender.
11. Describe why undressing a person can effect their consciousness.

12. Explain why it is occasionally necessary to undress someone so that
    they can discover certain things about themselves.

13. Where is the Will found in relation to mental gender?

14. Describe how the Principle of Correspondence operates on the personal

15. Describe psychic phenomena and the operation of mental gender.

16. How is the feminine principle involved in receiving impressions and    

17. Describe the types of work the feminine principle performs.  

18. What usually happens to the feminine principle without the presence and
    aid of the Will?

19. Where does ATTENTION fit into the explanation of mental gender?

20. Describe the majority of Humankind in their use of the masculine
    principle of mental gender.

21. What do current psychology texts include that corresponds to mental
22. Give a description of how telekinesis, telepathy , psychokinesis, thought
    transference, mental influence, suggestion, and hypnotism are involved 
    with mental gender.

23. What does the text explain about strong people?

24. Describe magnetic people and how mental gender is involved in their 

25. Explain the relationship between certain special pyramids and the
    feminine principle of gender.

26. Explain the word "spirits" and its relationship to mental gender.

27. Describe, in detail, what the Nectar Publications are and how they work.

28. Who made the elixirs in the past and why?

29. What benefits do the Nectar Publication have for students?

30. Explain how the LAWS of nature operate with the Nectar Publications?


 1. The students of psychology are well disciplined in the understanding of 

    a. those things which are related to astronomy only. 
    b. nature of the physical sciences and not mental.
    c. the growing process of plants.
    d. subconscious and conscious mind; the voluntary and involuntary mind;
       the active and passive mind, etc.

 2. Even greater understanding has been unveiled with the knowledge of the 
    functions of the left and right

    a. side of the Atlantic ocean.
    b. nature found only in the lower animal kingdom.
    c. brain hemispheres.
    d. sides of quartz crystals.

 3. The Summum doctrine of the Principle of Gender on the mental level has  

    a. for seven years.
    b. for eleven years.
    c. only for several decades.
    d. throughout the ages.

 4. The ancient philosophies took cognizance of the phenomena of the "dual
    mind", and accounted for it with the theory of

    a. Mental Gender
    b. Opposing Rhythm.
    c. Copulating Minds.
    d. Resolving Forces.

 5. The masculine principle of mind corresponds to the left brain;

    a. the objective, conscious mind
    b. and those lower and base ideas.
    c. and only the ideals of the higher nature.
    d. the relative things which really make no difference in life.

 6. The feminine principle of mind corresponds to the right brain;

    a. and those aspects which cause chaos.
    b. and those aspects which cause women to be unsatisfied with their role
       in life. 
    c. and those aspects which make women superior to men.
    d. the subjective, subconscious mind.

 7. Of course the Summum Teachings request the student to examine the report
    of their consciousness, by turning their attention inward upon the self.
    Each student is led to see that their consciousness gives them first the
    report of the existence of the self -- the report is
    a. "I Am".
    b. "There is nothing other than me".
    c. "I really do not exist".
    d. "Only those who know me really exist".

 8. While at first there seems to be only an "I" existing, a more careful and 
    closer examination reveals the fact that there exists an

    a. interesting group of individuals inside of me.
    b. unknown person who is impossible for me to know.
    c. important person who I have not discovered yet.
    d. "I" and a "Me".

 9. Humankind thinks of self (in its aspect of "Me") as being composed of 

    a. clothing and material objects.
    b. kinds of status from positions they hold in society.
    c. things which those around them think of them.
    d. feelings, tastes, likes, dislikes, habits, peculiar ties, 
       characteristics, etc.

10. All of these go to make up their personality or the "self" known to them
    and others.  They know that these emotions and feelings change, are born
    and die away, and are subject to the Principles

    a. of eternal living.
    b. that those who work hardest always come out ahead.
    c. of uncontrolled nature.
    d. of Rhythm and Opposition which take them from one extreme of feeling 
       to another.

11. They also think of the "Me" as containing certain knowledge gathered by
    their minds, and thus forming a part of themselves.  This is the

    a. hidden personality which can never be known.
    b. dark side of the question.
    c. supposed "Me" of a human being.
    d. person you never let anyone know.

12. The "Me" for most of Humankind may be said to consist largely of its
    identification with

    a. the body and physical appetites.
    b. those around them.
    c. only those things of the highest nature.
    d. the things they feel others will like.

13. Their consciousness is so bound to their bodily nature, this is where 
    they "live".  Some go so far as to regard their

    a. friends as important.
    b. personality as an important factor.
    c. consciousness as relevant.
    d. personal apparel, cars and homes as a part of their "Me".

14. These "clothes conscious" people readily lose their personality if 
    divested of their clothing.  Even those who are not so closely bound to
    the idea of personal raiment stick closely to the consciousness of their
    bodies being their "Me".  They cannot conceive of a self

    a. being something that is separate.
    b. being something not to be known.
    c. independent of the body.
    d. as existing.

15. As the Humankind rises in the scale of consciousness they are able to
    disentangle their "Me" from their bodies, and are able to think of their

    a. as the tool for mental satisfaction.
    b. as something to try and keep alive forever.
    c. as more important than the spirit within.
    d. as "belonging to" the mental part of themselves.

16. Even then, they are very prone to identify the "Me" entirely

    a. with their favorite television character.
    b. with those things they have flt most recently.
    c. with the mental states, feelings and emotions existing within
    d. with something which is beyond their comprehension.

17. They are very likely to consider these internal states as identical with
    themselves, rather than "states" produced by some part of their
    mentality, and existing within themselves -- of themselves, and in
    themselves, buy still not

    a. "themselves".
    b. really that important.
    c. important enough to put the effort into to discover.
    d. of any great concern.

18. They see that they may change these internal states of feelings by an
    effort of Will, and in the same way produce a feeling or state of exactly
    the opposite nature.  Yet they notice the same "Me" exists.  After a
    while they are able to set aside

    a. these various mental states, emotions, feelings, habits, qualities,
       characteristics and other personal mental belongings.
    b. their clothing and not be concerned with what those around them think.
    c. material objects, need no food and just breath air.
    d. their vehicles and start walking wherever they go.

19. Just as one would shed their clothes, these obstacles can be set aside.
    This requires much

    a. mental concentration and power of mental analysis on the part of the
    b. money, for many new age courses and required to convince the student
       of how to do this.
    c. money, for the student must attend many channeling sessions to be
       told many wonderful things, and avoid putting in any personal effort.
    d. guidance from those earthbound spirits who have overcome the need for
       bodies, but have some mysterious need to participate in earth life
       through someone else's body.

20. This undressing of various mental states requires

    a. esoteric instruction found in the Teachings of Summum.
    b. the student to attend may lectures which teach them to avoid personal
    c. the student to be given instructions in guided meditation which will
       make them feel better about themselves.
    d. to be told by psychics how to solve their problems.

21. Following this laying aside (undressing ) process, students will find
    themselves in conscious possession of a SELF which may be considered

    a. of not much importance for all responsibility for your future is held
       by your teachers.
    b. in its "I" and "Me" dual aspects.
    c. not really significant for there is not much that can be done with it.
    d. a state which is interesting but where there is really nothing going

22. The "Me" will be felt to be something mental in which thoughts, ideas,
    emotions, feelings and other mental states may be produced.  It may be

    a. something which you do not really want to understand,  for too much
       effort is required to take control of your SELF.
    b. out of control and no one has the Will or knows how to get the Will to
       control it.
    c. a mental womb, capable of generating mental offspring.
    d. something which believes that everything just "IS" and uses this
       statement as an excuse to not put forth the effort to discover the
       other side of "IS".

23. It reports to the consciousness as a "me", with latent powers of creation
    and generation of mental progeny of all sorts and kinds.  Its powers of
    creative energy are felt to be

    a. enormous.
    b. dangerous.
    c. not understandable for they are mysteries.
    d. beyond the reach of Humankind.

24. The "I" represents the masculine principle of Mental

    a. Gender.
    b. Cohesion.
    c. Loneliness.
    d. Aloneness.

25. You will notice that the Principle of Correspondence operates on this
    personal level just as it does upon

    a. the abnormal Humankind.
    b. the grand levels of universal creation.
    c. the other things subject to it, although it does not have an effect on
       the disembodied spirit.
    d. those Humankind who are not developed, but the developed Humankind is
       not subject to this Principle.

26. The principle of Mental Gender establishes the groundwork for

    a. those subjects of little importance.
    b. the whole field of the phenomena of mental influence.
    c. the copulation of inner thought.
    d. many advanced guides to avoid the subject entirely.

27. The tendency of the feminine principle is always in the direction of
    receiving impressions, while the tendency of the masculine principle is
    always in the direction

    a. of causing problems for the feminine.
    b. of taking advantage of women.
    c. of the dishonest.
    d. of giving out, or expressing.

28. The feminine principle has a much more varied field of operation than has
    the masculine.  The feminine principle conducts the work of

    a. cleaning up after the masculine.
    b. finding ways to entangle the masculine.
    c. generating new thoughts, concepts and ideas, including the work of the
    d. generating ways to confuse the masculine.

29. The masculine principle contents itself with the work of the Will in its
    varied phases.  Yet without the active aid of the Will, the feminine
    principle is apt to rest content

    a. with never doing anything again.
    b. with generating mental images received from the outside, instead of
       producing original mental creations.
    c. in the home without being able to ever get outside.
    d. with its status in life.

30. The majority of Humankind really use the masculine principle but little,
    and are content to live according to the thoughts and ideas instilled
    into the "Me" from

    a. the "I" of other minds.
    b. the disembodied spirits who know the right direction for them to take.
    c. those special guides found to know all the right answers.
    d. your personal guide who has stopped their own evolution, and stayed
       behind just to take care of you.

31. In the phenomena of telepathy it is seen how the vibratory energy of the
    masculine principle is projected toward the feminine principle of another
    person.  The latter then takes

    a. the time to watch what takes place without getting involved.
    b. over the principle of the masculine in order to not miss out on the
       benefits of this power.
    c. the seed thought and allows it to develop into maturity.
    d. the precaution to avoid being captured by it.

32. Suggestion and hypnotism operate in the same way.  The masculine
    principle of the person giving the suggestion directs a stream   

    a. interesting white light.
    b. interesting green light.
    c. interesting yellow light.
    d. of vibratory energy or Will Power toward the feminine principle of
       another person.

33. An idea thus lodged in the mind of another person grows and develops, and
    in time

    a. is regarded as the actual mental offspring of their own.
    b. becomes lost in the recesses of the mind.
    c. turns into a nightmare.
    d. begins to destroy the brain tissue.

34. The strong individuals of this world invariably manifest the masculine
    principle of Will, and their strength depends materially upon this fact.
    Instead of living upon the impressions made upon their minds by others,

    a. they dominate their own minds by their Will, obtaining the kind of
       mental images desired, and moreover dominate the minds of others in
       the same manner.
    b. they live upon the messages they receive from their personal guides.
    c. they follow the guidance of the channeled disembodied spirits.
    d. they refused to follow their own mind or that of others.

35. The students who have familiarized themselves with psychic phenomena will
    have discovered the importance of that force which psychology has called
    "suggestion" -- by which term is meant the process or method whereby an
    idea is transferred to, or "impressed upon" the mind of another,

    a. causing the second mind to act in accordance therewith.
    b. and then the mind is permanently ruined.
    c. and then the mind is forever under the control of an other.
    d. and then the other mind takes over.

36. In addition, a knowledge of Vibration and Mental Gender is necessary for
    the student of suggestion, for

    a. they can be avoided if they are understood.
    b. they form the basis of the principle.
    c. they can be destroyed with the help of your spiritual guide.
    d. none of the above.

37. If you will think of the matter in the light of the Summum Teachings, you
    will be able to see that the energizing of the feminine principle by

    a. the vibratory energy of the masculine principle is in accordance with
       the universal laws of nature.
    b. taking advantage of it when it is unaware is common.
    c. using unfair tactics against it is uncommon.
    d. the position of male chauvinism happens sometimes.

38. The Summum Teachings show that the very creation of the universe follows
    the same law, and that in all creative manifestations, upon the levels
    of the spiritual, the mental and the physical, there is always in

    a. the male chauvinism.
    b. those females who are controlling the universe.
    c. this Principle of Gender -- this manifestation of the masculine and
       the feminine principle.
    d. the evil and dark principle of masculine gender.

39. The Gender Principle "works" in practice because

    a. it was decided by God.
    b. those in control made it the law.
    c. it is based upon the immutable universal laws of life.
    d. the male force made it that way.

40. Through the ages, the word "spirits" has been attached to liquids
    containing ethanol.  Since ancient times only the highest Masters were
    capable of altering these liquids into 

    a. storage vessels of living knowledge.
    b. solid containers of food.
    c. gold.
    d. none of the above.

41.  The application of Mental Gender through the practice of meditation
     using these sacred publications of creation, constitutes one of the
     earliest forms of 

    a. toga parties.
    b. brainwashing.
    c. religious worship.
    d. wine tasting clubs. 	



psychology                              feminine 	 
subconscious, mind, voluntary           impressions, masculine 
mind, mind                              feminine
functions                               generating
hemispheres                             concepts, work
philosophies, cognizance                masculine, Will
dual, mind, theory                      Will
concept                                 feminine, generating
masculine, corresponds, brain           mental
mind, feminine                          original
right, subjective                       ATTENTION
Summum                                  mental
consciousness                           mental
consciousness                           creative
self, report                            telekinesis, transference
examination                             mental
split, two, aspects                     phenomena
unison, conjunction                     dual, mind
first, I                                telepathy, energy
examination                             masculine, feminine
Me, twins, characteristics              seed, thought
examination, phenomena                  Suggestion
influence                               immersed, feminine, masculine
personality                             lodged, Will
feelings                                inactive
born, die                               individual
Rhythm, Opposition, feeling             Will
knowledge                               minds
minds, themselves                       Will
Humankind, identification               dominate, minds
body, consciousness                     strong
live                                    implant, seed
apparel                                 masses, thing
clothes                                 developed
clothing, bound                         familiarized
bodies, conceive, self                  discovered
body, mind                              suggestion, method
body                                    impressed, upon
internal, identical                     act
mentality, themselves                   suggestion
themselves                              comprehend
Will                                    time
feeling, state, nature                  veil
emotions, habits                        projecting, womb
mental                                  energies, projected
aside                                   generate
encumbrances                            stored
clothes                                 liquids, elixirs
power, mental                           Nectars of the Gods
mental, esoteric                        Publications, technology
student                                 vibratory, energy
process                                 TRANSUBSTANTIATION
inner, mental                           transmuted
Will, creative, creation                spirits
rest, consciousness, will               ethanol
generate                                altering, living
attendant                               laws
sense, consciousness                    immersed
willing, mental                         Mental Gender
mind, masculine                         chaos
mental                                  considerations
psychic                                 key
regions, mental                         psychic, science
Gender                                  library
mental, influence                       teaching


4, 3, 8, 5, 9, 6, 7, 1, 2


 1. d             11. c             21. b             31. c             41. c
 2. c             12. a             22. c             32. d
 3. d             13. d             23. a             33. a
 4. a             14. c             24. a             34. a
 5. a             15. d             25. b             35. a
 6. d             16. c             26. b             36. b
 7. a             17. a             27. d             37. a
 8. d             18. a             28. c             38. c
 9. d             19. a             29. b             39. c
10. d             20. a             30. a             40. a