Chapter 15                                                             GENDER


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each
of the key terms from the chapter.

Gender ______________________________________________________________________


Masculine ___________________________________________________________________


Feminine ____________________________________________________________________


Sex _________________________________________________________________________


beget _______________________________________________________________________


procreate ___________________________________________________________________


generate ____________________________________________________________________


create ______________________________________________________________________


produce _____________________________________________________________________


copulation __________________________________________________________________


organisms ___________________________________________________________________


event _______________________________________________________________________


coitus ______________________________________________________________________


promulgation ________________________________________________________________


subatomic ___________________________________________________________________


ionic _______________________________________________________________________


erroneous ___________________________________________________________________


connotation _________________________________________________________________


cathode _____________________________________________________________________


negative ____________________________________________________________________


descent _____________________________________________________________________


swarm _______________________________________________________________________


resonate ____________________________________________________________________


influence ___________________________________________________________________


ionization __________________________________________________________________


affinity ____________________________________________________________________


resonance ___________________________________________________________________


inherent ____________________________________________________________________


Gravitation _________________________________________________________________


hypothesis __________________________________________________________________



This summary, when completed with answers, gives you a comprehension of the
primary points of the chapter in the text.  Fill in the blanks with words or
phrases that complete the ideas.

"Gender is in __________________; __________________ has its Masculine and
__________________ Principle; __________________ manifests on all levels."
-- Summum

The great Seventh Summum Principle, the __________________ of Gender,
embodies the idea that there is ____________ manifest in everything.  The
__________________ and ______________ principle are ever present and active
in all phases of __________________, on each and every ______________ of
____________.  Point your ______________ to the fact that ______________, in
the Summum sense, and ____________ in the ordinary accepted use of the term,
are similar, but different in scope.

The word "______________" is derived from the ________________ root meaning
"to beget; to ________________; to ________________; to create; to

________________."  Gender is a result of the (__________________) of the TWO
Grand __________________, NOTHING and __________________.  A moment's
consideration will show that the word has a much broader and more general
meaning than the term "__________."  Sex refers to the ____________
distinctions between ________________ and female living __________________.
Sex also refers to ______________, intercourse, ________________, and in this
context, every ______________ is a form of sex; an ____________ and
__________ relationship between ______________ things or __________________
points bonding in the same __________________ field (______________).

The office of ________________ is solely that of creating, producing,
________________, etc., and its ________________ are visible on every
________________ of ________________.  It is somewhat difficult to produce
________________ of this along __________________ lines, because
________________ has not yet __________________ this Principle as of
________________ application.  Still, some proofs are forthcoming from
__________________ sources.  There is a distinct __________________ of the
Principle of ______________ among the ________________ __________________,
such as electrons, the interactions of which form the basis of the
_____________ bond as your ______________ now knows it.  The formation of an
________________ compound (such as ____________ ______________, common table
salt) is caused by the ________________ between ________________ charged
particles.  That is to say, when ____________ gives up a negatively charged
___________ to chlorine, the ______________ becomes positively
________________; and when ______________ accepts the electron from
________________, the __________________ becomes negatively charged.  The
________________, sodium ______________, results because the ________________
(+) and ________________ (-) ions are strongly ________________ to one
another by their ________________ charges.  Thus, __________
__________________ come together and create or ________________ something
that is ______________ than either one of them could be by ________________.
"It takes the ________________ of ______________ to make ____________ --
SUMMUM."  The most ancient of Summum Teachings have always identified the
masculine principle of Gender with the ________________, and the feminine
with the so called negative points of __________________ -- POSSIBILITY and

There is a ______________ to be made __________________ this identification.
The public ______________ has formed an entirely erroneous ________________
regarding the __________________ of the so called "________________" point
of ________________ or magnetized matter.  The word "__________________" has
______________ on the meaning of something ______________ and
__________________, as compared to "________________" which has the
________________ of being ____________ or ____________.  Nothing is further
from the real facts of ________________ phenomena.  The so called
________________ pole of the _______________ is really the ____________ in
and by which the __________________ or ______________ of ____________ forms
and energies are manifested.  There is ______________ ______________ about
it.  The best scientific _____________ now use the word "cathode" in place
of "________________."  The word cathode comes from the Greek root meaning,
"__________________; the path of generation, etc."  From the cathode pole
________________ the swarm of electrons.  The ________________, or
________________ pole, is the ______________ principle of electrical
________________.  You may substitute the word "__________________" for the
old term negative when ________________ of the point of ________________.  A
feminine ________________ becomes ________________ from, or rather leaves a
________________ particle and starts on a new ______________.  It actively
_____________ a ____________ with a ______________ particle, being urged by
the ______________ ________________ to create new forms of matter or energy
(______________).  This __________________ and uniting, what the
______________ term ____________ ________________ and bond ________________,
form the ______________ for the greater part of the ________________ of the
______________ world.  When the feminine particle ______________ with a
masculine ________________, a certain process is begun.  The feminine
particles ________________ (resonate) rapidly under the ________________ of
the masculine ______________, and circle ________________ around the
________________, resulting in the ________________ of a new ______________.
This new ________________ is composed of the ________________ of the
________________ and feminine (i.e. the ________________ charged
______________ and the negatively charged chlorine).  After the ____________
is ________________, a new entity ______________ and becomes a
________________ composition (i.e. sodium chloride), having certain
____________ but no longer manifesting the property of ____________

The role of the __________________ principle seems to be that of directing a
certain ________________ energy toward the feminine principle and thus
______________ the ________________ processes.  The ________________
principle is the one always doing the active creative work -- and this is so
on all ______________.  Each principle is ________________ of operative
________________ without the assistance of the other.  In some ____________
forms, the two principles are ______________ within ________________
organism.  For that matter, everything in the ________________
________________ manifests both ______________.  There is always the
________________ present in the feminine form, and the __________________
present in the masculine ____________.  The Summum
Teachings include much regarding the operation of the ____________ principles
of ______________ in the production and ____________________ of various forms
of ______________, etc.


Write the number of the appropriate answer in the blank corresponding to the
description.  There is one correct answer for each blank.

_____ Gender is in                                         1. scope
                                                           2. cathode
_____ The masculine and feminine principle are ever        3. uniting
      present and active in all phases of phenomena,       4. everything
      on each and every level of                           5. life
                                                           6. creative
_____ Point your attention to the fact that Gender,        7. scale
      in the Summum sense, and Sex in the ordinary         8. Opposites
      accepted use of the term, are similar, but           9. Latin root
      different in

_____ The word "gender" is derived from a 

_____ Gender is a result of the (copulation) of the
      TWO Grand

_____ Every EVENT is a form of sex, copulation, coitus;
      an IN and OUT relationship between TWO things or
      opposing points bonding in the same vibrational
      field (           ).

_____ The masculine principle when directing inherent
      energy toward the feminine principle initiates
      this process

_____ Bond making and bond breaking in the chemical
      world is a form of detachment and

_____ Scientific authorities use this term for the
      negative pole


Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principle.

1. Using the Principle of Gender examine different physical and mental states
   in nature.

   a. Give a description of the principle of Gender found in the male species
      of humans.



   b. Give a description of the principle of Gender found in the female
      species of humans.



   c. Give a description of homosexuality within the male of the species of



   d. Give a description of homosexuality within the female of the species of



   e. Give a comprehensive description of how either a male or female human
      can mistakenly express male or female emotions, feelings, and mental
      states.  Further explain how they may be confused into believing that
      these emotions, feelings, and mental states are coming from their
      physical Gender, when in fact they are an expression of an inner female
      or male nature.







Formulate answers to these questions.  Refer to both your text and your
lecture notes.  You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make
notes on all the details you would include in a full answer.  Review your
answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the

  1. Be prepared to explain how both female and male emotions and mental
     nature are found in humans with either female or male bodies.

  2. Explain how Gender is in everything.

  3. Explain how everything has the Masculine and Feminine Principle in it.

  4. Why is gender manifest on all levels?

  5. How are the masculine and feminine principles manifest on all levels?

  6. How does the copulation between the two grand opposites generate gender?

  7. Explain the difference between Sex and Gender.

  8. Discuss in detail why every EVENT is a form of SEX.

  9. What does the same vibrational field have to do with gender and the
     ability to bond in copulation?

 10. How can it be said that the office of Gender is solely that of
     generating, producing, or creating?

 11. Explain the chemical bond and how gender is involved.

 12. Discuss why it takes two to make one.

 13. Discuss and explain the terms positive and negative and their
     identification as they relate to gender.

 14. Explain why the projecting force is generally masculine and the
     creating force feminine.

 15. Give a description of bond making and bond breaking.

 16. Explain how the feminine particles resonate under the influence of the
     masculine energy.

 17. What happens after the masculine and the feminine particles unite?

 18. What is ionization?

 19. What is the role of the masculine principle as it directs the inherent
     energy towards the feminine?

 20. What is the role of the feminine principle after the masculine
     principle has projected the inherent energy towards it?

 21. Why are either principles unable to operate without the other?

 22. Explain why there is always masculine present in the feminine form,
     and feminine present in the masculine.

 23. Explain why it is impossible to produce any energy without the
     presence of Gender.

 24. How can attraction or gravitation have any relationship with Gender?


 1. Gender is

    a. only in those things which allow it to be there.
    b. found only to be relevant when there is conflict.
    c. in everything.
    d. none of the above.

 2. Everything has its Masculine and Feminine

    a. Principle.
    b. nature.
    c. principle within it.
    d. all of the above.

 3. Gender manifests

    a. only on certain levels.
    b. only when it is allowed to.
    c. on all levels.
    d. only when certain cosmic bodies are in the right position.

 4. The masculine and feminine principle are ever present and active in all
    phases on phenomena, on each and every level

    a. within the physical states.
    b. within the mental states.
    c. within the United States.
    d. of life.

 5. Gender and Sex are similar, but different

    a. most of the time.
    b. in scope.
    c. when it comes to realizing that sex is taboo.
    d. none of the above.

 6. The word gender is derived from the Latin root meaning to

    a. exchange one thing for an other.
    b. find, to discover, to renew.
    c. beget, to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce.
    d. soften, to manipulate, to massage.

 7. Gender is the result of

    a. the (copulation) of the TWO Grand Opposites, NOTHING and POSSIBILITY.
    b. the manipulation of the masculine principle by the feminine
    c. the resistance of the masculine principle by the feminine principle.
    d. the acceptance of the masculine principle by the feminine principle.

 8. A moment's consideration will show that Gender has a much broader meaning

    a. it ever could have had before you read this book.
    b. those in socialist countries believe.
    c. the term sex.
    d. none of the above.

 9. One of the things Sex refers to is the distinctions between male and
    female living

    a. thoughts.
    b. questions.
    c. ideas.
    d. organisms.

10. However, every EVENT is a form of sex, copulation, coitus; an IN and OUT
    relationship between TWO things or opposing points bonding in the same

    a. room.
    b. time.
    c. reason.
    d. field.

11. The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating,
    etc., and its manifestations are visible on every level of

    a. the elevator.
    b. those things which run horizontally.
    c. things which express the need to be recognized.
    d. phenomena.

12. here is a distinct promulgation of the Principle of Gender among the
    subatomic particles, such as electrons, the interactions of which form
    the basis of

    a. the loosening of tied collections.
    b. interaction of relative chemicals.
    c. the current sexual revolution.
    d. the chemical bond as your science now knows it.

13. The formation of an ionic compound (such as sodium chloride, common
    table salt) is caused by the attraction between particles which are

    a. with the same charge.
    b. oppositely.
    c. with different charges but of the same pole.
    d. none of the above.

14. It takes the joining of TWO to make

    a. a negative charge.
    b. a positive charge.
    c. one.
    d. a charge between negative and positive.

15. The positive principle of Gender has always been identified with

    a. the things of a bad nature.
    b. those who are unfair to women.
    c. those who are always right.
    d. the masculine.

16. The negative principle of Gender has always been identified with

    a. those things which are bad.
    b. the feminine.
    c. those things which are always wrong.
    d. the things many people try to avoid.

17. The so called negative pole of the battery is really the pole in and by
    which the generation or production of

    a. things not found in nature are created.
    b. nothing is worth talking about.
    c. new forms and energies are manifested.
    d. none of the above.

18. The best scientific authorities now use the word "cathode" in place of

    a. positive.
    b. negative.
    c. relative.
    d. neutral.

19. The word cathode comes from the Greek root meaning, "descent; the path of

    a. least resistance."
    b. the highest level."
    c. the downward nature."
    d. generation."

20. From the cathode pole emerges the swarm of

    a. bees.
    b. birds.
    c. electrons.
    d. chemical ions found only in sodium.

21. You may substitute the word feminine for the old term negative when
    speaking of the point of

    a. the apex on the pyramid.
    b. those boys who are not really men.
    c. women who are not in the proper frame of mind.
    d. activity.

22. A feminine particle becomes detached from, or rather leaves a
    masculine particle and starts on a

    a. mission to find another feminine particle.
    b. discovery of life unburdened by the masculine.
    c. new career.
    d. mission to develop higher levels of life without the masculine,
       for the masculine only destroys life.

23. The feminine particle seeks a union with a masculine particle, being
    urged by the natural impulse to create new

    a. destructive energies.
    b. things which the feminine particle could have done alone but chose not to.
    c. forms of matter or energy (EVENTS).
    d. none of the above.

24. This detachment and uniting, what chemists term bond making and bond
    breaking, form the basis for the greater part of the activities of the

    a. deals made between the free world and the communist world.
    b. international world.
    c. individuals known to be unstable.
    d. chemical world.

25. The feminine particle vibrates (resonates) rapidly under the influence of

    a. a similar feminine particle.
    b. a dissimilar feminine particle.
    c. the masculine energy.
    d. none of the above.
26. The loss and gain of the feminine electrons by atoms is called

    a. particlizing.
    b. ionization.
    c. distribution.
    d. realization.

27. The electrons are the most active workers in nature's field.  From their
    unions or combinations arise the varied phenomena of

    a. psychic phenomena.
    b. unknown worlds.
    c. electricity, attraction, repulsion, chemical affinity (resonance) and
       the reverse.
    d. none of the above.

28. The role of the masculine principle seems to be that of directing a
    certain inherent energy toward the

    a. other masculine particles.
    b. other neutral particles.
    c. those things which have not decided what they are.
    d. the feminine principle.

29. The feminine principle is the one always doing the active

    a. destructive work.
    b. unnecessary work.
    c. house work.
    d. creative work.

30. Each principle is incapable of operative energy without the assistance

    a. of another principle identical to it.
    b. of a government grant.
    c. of the other.
    d. of a reason to act which causes it to change its state to the opposite



everything, everything                             good, strong
Feminine, Gender                                   negative, connotation
Principle                                          bad, weak
Gender                                             electrical, negative
masculine, feminine                                battery, pole
phenomena                                          generation, production, new
level, life, attention                             nothing, negative
Gender, Sex                                        authorities
gender, Latin                                      negative
procreate, generate                                descent
produce, copulation                                emerges
Opposites, POSSIBILITY                             cathode, negative
sex                                                mother, phenomena
physical, male                                     feminine
organisms, copulation, coitus, event               speaking, activity
in, out                                            particle, detached
two, opposing                                      masculine, career
vibrational, scale                                 seeks, union, masculine
Gender                                             natural, impulse
generating, manifestations                         events, detachment
level, phenomena                                   chemists, bond, making
proofs, scientific                                 breaking, basis
science, recognized                                activities, chemical
universal                                          unites, particle
scientific                                         vibrate
promulgation, Gender                               influence, energy
subatomic, particles                               rapidly, masculine
chemical                                           birth, entity, entity
science, ionic                                     union, masculine
sodium, chloride                                   positively, sodium
attraction, oppositely                             union, complete
sodium                                             emerges, separate
electron, sodium                                   properties
charged, chlorine                                  free
sodium, chlorine                                   masculine
compound, chloride                                 inherent
sodium, chlorine                                   initiating, creative
attracted, opposite                                feminine
two, individuals                                   levels
generate, greater                                  incapable, energy
themselves, joining                                life
two, one                                           combined, one
positive                                           organic, world
electricity                                        genders, masculine
point, regarding                                   feminine
mind                                               form
impression, qualities                              two, Gender
negative, electrified                              manifestation
positive, taken                                    energy


4, 5, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2


1. c               9. d               17. c                25. c
2. a              10. d               18. b                26. b
3. c              11. d               19. d                27. c
4. d              12. d               20. c                28. d
5. b              13. b               21. d                29. d
6. c              14. c               22. c                30. c
7. a              15. d               23. c
8. c              16. b               24. d